Services offered: Discover Scuba Diving, Re/Activate PADI Open Water Scuba Diver, Discover Local Diving, & PADI Specalties.

All Season Training Available for Discover Scuba Diving and Re/Activate

Don't let the seasonal weather stop your training. Need a refresher before going on a cruise, vacation, or honeymoon or want to try scuba diving? 3 Rivers Scuba offers PADI Discover Scuba Diving and Re/Activate sessions held at the Inwood Pool in Joliet, Illinois. Time requirements 1.5-2 hrs. E-mail for more details.

Discover Scuba Diving & Re/Activate Class

Re/Activate is an excellent refresher course designed to update your skills after a period of inactivity. This 2-hour session covers the required four skills, with the option for additional tailored training based on your needs. Curious about scuba diving? Join our "Discover Scuba Diving" class! You’ll learn about scuba gear and how it works, with no test required. We provide all the training and equipment. The session takes place at Inwood Pool in Joliet, Illinois. In this 2-hour class, you'll master six new diving skills, with plenty of time to practice, swim around, and have fun! To get started, access the PADI DSD e learning by clicking on photo.

Open Water Diver & Specialty Courses

The PADI Open Water Scuba Diver Course is the perfect way to begin your diving adventure. After completing your Open Water course, take your skills to the next level by adding dive-specific specialties to your PADI certification. 3 Rivers offers the following diving specialities; Deep Diver, Underwater Navigation, Dry suit, Wreck, Enriched air, Self-Reliant, Emergency O2 provider, Search & Rescue, Drift, Boat, Night, Peak Performance Buoyancy, PADI AWARE, PADI Dive Against Debris, EFR CPR/AED Instructor, PADI Advanced Open Water Diver.